Paying Taxes Online: STEP BY STEP

ACI Payments- Jurisdiction Code: 6910

You will need your Owner ID and a Parcel ID (property id on ACI)

  • Remove the M or R from the Owner ID
  • If the parcel has a 972 in front, use the last 6 digits only

Getting to the ACI Website:

  1. Go to our website org
  2. On the right-hand side, go to the last tab “Pay Taxes Online”
  3. That will take you to the ACI Website on the home page
  4. Then you will go to the Local Payments tab
  5. Type in the Jurisdiction code (listed above) and hit enter or make a payment (that will fill in the top two boxes and all you have to do is fill in the bottom “payment type” as property tax, then hit make a payment)
  6. Put in the payment amount (cents go in the second box on the right) and select payment method. Hit continue.
  7. Accept terms and conditions. Be mindful of the 3% service fee charged by ACI.
  8. You do not have to create an account or log into your account if you don’t want too. Just hit continue as a guest.
  9. The last step is simply filling in all of your information. This is where you will need your Owner ID and Parcel. * You just need one parcel. All your properties will be included under your Owner ID. *
  10. The last page is just showing the confirmation that it went through.

NOTE: It take about 24 hours to show up on our side of the system.

Thank you. If you have any other questions or need help, feel free to give us a call.

Upton County Appraisal District